Friday 17 April 2009



SUPERNATURAL ! | Le Peristyle | Assorto drum | Drum Lore | drummaker questions | HoodooTao | Bottle trees - tings | Kicking & Knocking N"Gullah | Tai-Chi , Institute Of Trinidad & Tobago | Spiritual Baptist , Tobago | Brotherhood Of The Cross And Star | SANKOFA " METATIONS " | HOODOO BOOK


Is there something en de " WATA " ?

" Marie " ( Pig Mack )

Beloved, the spirit
tells me we are in a state of arrested development in terms of blood sacrifice all have been through initiations ( " CUSH " shay )

If someone told you Jesus died for your sins,there would be a question for or against that thought.

Against all my voodoo peers my form of blood sacrifice ( Latin " to make sacred " }
is to take all road kill I come across as eghbo ( ritual payment )
for any favors I may need .:Instead of adding more death to the ritual, I steward the earth of all these loose spirits just lying around for our rituals.

There will be dogs cats birds etc. even humans, take your choice of what the ritual calls for.
A college said this was unacceptable because the deaths wern"t done ritualistically.

The spirit told me once something is dead it"s the same. You might slip and fall in your bathroom or get shot one"s an accident and the other is perpetrated but you"re still the same dead.

Hoodoos are working in a state of retribution ( " revenge ", but only to balance )

How should I count the blood sacrifices, " FIRST PASSAGE "' MIDDLE PASSAGE " " NOW PASSAGE " " FUTURE PASSAGE ".BLOOD SHRINES " are the norm in our neighborhoods
if you haven"t noticed lately..Any street called Martin Luther is a dangerous place all over the country. ( more blood sacrifice )

I think blood sacrifice has been paid too long ago " NEVER AGAIN ".

this IS HOW THE SPIRITS ROLL FOR ME.Try it you will like it.

Up you might nation accomplish what you may; Marcus ( BLOOD ) Garvey FOR ME IN THE STORM.

Papa Gede Nibo

Friday, January 23, 2009

Crack ! sacred alchemy ,( Roach Approach )
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Did you notice all these high flying dunks ,record breaking athletes , mental giants ? I think " Crack Babies " are fueling the world " Al chemically ".
The 'Crack " introduced into certain communities to destroy them has "Al chemically " back fired . It"s like trying to kill ' Roaches "with a certain poison .After awhile the " Roaches " " ADAPT "and prosper on it .
Be honest . I know " me -we " never took " CRACK ". But ! we"ve bought a 20$ VCR , toaster , coat , camera , shoes ,etc. from the "Crack streets '.
And we all know someone who had it going on , Looks ,prestige , money , education etc. " Crack " brought the shell down like a pesticide , " BUT !" the spirit of that person was still ashamedly there .
The price of " Kuchy ' came down and there were many beat downs on the " Beat " ( stroll ) . Al chemically many players stalked the "Meth .Clinics "for all those used to be stars male - female who were now available .
These encounters mixed back into the community and " Diluted " ( neutralized ) the effect . now we have " Super New Beings ", conditioned for the times that be upon us . ,
I have gotten some of my best advice from a street person , who had no health care , pay check , home and all the things that stress us .
So we ( Roaches ) can"t be exterminated thanks to the " Crack Babies ".
My reasoning , in de name ob de

Beloved fam. our first defence has historically been to meet
> adversity with " PRAYER ". A thought came to mind ( long game
> game ) Why not ' PREY " instead of ' PRAY ",
> Sankofa is a buzzard looking backwards to go forwards . I have a
> buzzard i"ve been studying . Buzzards are sometimes overlooked
as "
> VULTURES ", vultures attack and " PREY'for their food .
> We"ve been like Buzzards waiting for something to die for us to
> feed .All " DEFENCE ", You can never win playing without an "
> Our scholars have identified the time of attacks ( equinoxes ). So
> conversely Equinoxes are the time to freshen up your
JUJU"s ,wangas
> hands ,pots etc.
> We have to use our Shapeshifting , Lougaru , Time binding .
> Roots ,invisibility etc . for " PREYING ".
> These are some bones ,let"s put some meat on them .
> in the name of the " KONKER " Papa gede Nibo Bey " La Kwa "

The Vulture

by Dawn Firewolf

Many people wouldn't consider the vulture a power animal - who would want an animal that eats dead things for a living to be theirs? After all, they're nasty and ugly, right?

Look again.

Vultures have long been considered important power animals. The ancient greeks considered them to be descendants of the mythic griffins while the Egyptians saw vultures as 'mother' symbols - symbolic of the dead enabling the living to sustain itself. The Egyptians went so far as to use the vulture on their royal headgear - combined with the cobra, it symbolized the unity of the Upper and Lower Niles - and the goddess Ma'at is depicted many times with a vulture feather in her hand. In other cultures, such as some Native American tribes, the vulture is representative of purification - literally 'stripping down to the bone'. Vulture feathers were also used after shapeshifting ceremonies, in order to help ground to participants as well as dispelling evil. It was also thought that Vulture would help break contact with the dead.

Alchemists believed the Vulture to be a symbol of the relationship between the fixed aspects of life - the psychic and cosmic energies - and the chaotic aspects of everyday life. It seemed to promise that whatever suffering occurs here on earth is temporary and and necessary.

Although vultures are members of the raptor family, they must rely on others to kill their prey because they have relatively weak feet and short talons. Their role as scavengers keep a balance in nature for without them, carrion - born disease would be rampant. Vultures themselves are virtually immune to the nasties found in carrion but will still bathe frequently. They have bald heads in order to keep bacteria from collecting there and the sun also helps disinfect it as well. Their digestive tracts contain chemicals that kill the bacteria. They also eliminate over their own feet in order to spread those chemicals and kill whatever bacteria that has collected there. This also serves to cool the legs and feet down.

This is helpful to remember when Vulture comes into your life. (No, this doesn't mean that you're suddenly going to have smelly feet.) Your own digestive system may change. Things you used to enjoy without problem may suddenly cause trouble and vise versa. You may have to start paying attention to how you feel - physically; mentally, spiritually and emotionally - after you eat and modify your diet. If you have trouble handling the heat (I hope you're not in charbroiled Tennessee right now! sheesh!), try soaking your feet in cold water.

It is thought that one of the vulture's - especially the turkey vulture - most powerful senses is that of smell. Sometimes it can find food by smell alone. Smell has long been metaphysically associated with higher discrimination. Turkey vulture can show you how to decide whether or not a situation doesn't quite 'smell right'.

I remember spending long hours watching the turkey vultures glide through the air when I was a child. I am firmly convinced that they are one of the few species of bird that fly for the sheer joy of it. When they hunt for food, they fly in tight circles at about twice treetop level so that they can survey the ground for carrion. Otherwise, they can cover the entire sky - flying so high they can hardly been seen and swooping back down, nearly grazing the treetops, all without seemingly moving a feather.

Their ability to soar comes from their ability to see and use thermals rising from the earth's surface. Some people compare this to the ability to see auras - Vulture totems help one sense and use the subtle energy that surrounds everything powerfully and efficiently.

Article by Dawn Firewolf

Copyright reserved by Dawn Firewolf, Realm of the Firewolf

Zombification VS Blood Sacrifice

In Blood Sacrifice ( to make sacred ) we extract the blood ( essence ) of the offering to appease or evoke some favor from the “ SPIRITS “.

In the process the animal gives up his “ BLOOD “ and conversely it”s “ LIFE “. I think another “ WAY “ is “ ZOMBIFICATION “.

“ZOMBIEFICATION “, takes the “ESSENCE “ of a sacrifice and “ LEAVES “ it”s “ LIFE “.

We have been used as “ BLOOD SACRIFICE “ ( wars , diseases etc. ) Now the “ ZOMBIFICATION “ mode is in effect , I know you have met “ ZOMBIE “S . Sheeple waiting for “ORDERS “ what to think , who to hate ,what to wear , what to eat etc.

There”s scholarship on cloning way back . Buck up , “ ZOMBIE “ Is a “ VOODOO “ thing . It takes a “WHOLE “ community ,

The ingredients and the “ PERMISSION “ of our ancestors ( It”s granted )It”s as feasible as a chicken .

The “ PROPHECY “ must be for filled . Whats”s going on now is “ MOTHER “ cleansing herself .

We have to use “ BOTH HANS “ to keep “ SHEEPLE “ off “ W E “

In the name of the “ KONKER “, Papa Gede Nibo Bey “ La Kwa “

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Beloved Amen ,
thanks for the praises , but we know all praise is due the most high . She doesn"t mind
if I wet my beak . Thanks I needed that . I am holding up a mirror to you to fight my ego .
I "ll share how I started getting in touch with the ancestors ; Feel free to follow your spirit
Find a clear corner to make your portal. There will be 3 surfaces 2 walls and 1 floor .
Where the 2 walls meet, measure up 5" and start a chalk circle from the wall to the floor
from the floor to the wall back to your starting point . You are going to wind up with a 10 "
circle .
Next start at 10 " and make your circle . that"s your 2nd. circle
Next start at 15" and make your circle .You should have what looks like a bulls eye .
Put your Papa Legba symbol right in the middle of those circles . Ground yourself so you won"t get caught in the vortex. There"s definitely a pull .
Play with that until you can come and go as you please . This comes from drawing veve"s to call a loa .Your ancestors are itching to get on this side .
I say you can try this at home .
Papa Gede Nibo Bey " La Kwa "

Glad, U Comya ( Gullah welcome )

Beloved ninja,
awhile back I realised I had the gift of invisability.
Before I knew what it was, I thought there were a lot of rude people in the world.
I would be in a line and someone would step in front of me as if I wasn:t there. I would say excuse me and they would apologise and say they didn"t see me.
This happened too often for the people not to be right. I said to myself maybe they really can"t see me.
It"s not that you aren"t here. but you change planes from where the persons are at.I can"t explain ;
With Ninjia in your name you know where I am coming from.
My method of Invisability is to appear so bigger than life, that people look at my projected Image and see what they think they see,but they don"t see me and I can observe them from whithout myself.
My image I present is ; an old grey dread locked ,Huge leather handmade crown , red black and green scarf, many sensitive lens for the dark shades when needed.
coloful shuckitos ( african pants )cowboy boots and a skull walking staff. Only babys and small children can see me through this camaflodge.
But that"s not me. only my image.I am like water I take the shape of the container.
No spell check abbilities for give me
Papa Gede Nibo

Collard Greens ( Hoodoo Chi)

From the IBO thought ; all things have CHI ( life force ].

As a hoodoo trying to re – member our ancient connections

To the garden of “ EDEN “. And a latter day steward of same .

I classify things as to what force I can recognize in them . The doctors now admit “ Collards” have high nutritional value.

I know from personal experience , collards from a good cook works magic on many levels . I reason ? what force does collards have to tap into .

Collards need something bad to happen to them before their power is released . ( frost ). I have been told and now I know from growing collards . You can”t eat them until the frost has hit them .

Once the frost hits them , you can pick some of the larger leafs. They will grow back , the more you cut back the more they grow .

That”s a deep metaphor , When bad things happen ,you raise up and keep on comeing .

So I reason , eat a lot of “ Collards “ and capture that “ CHI “.add corn bread with it”s “ CORN CHI “, and you have a supernatural super , “ Conger food.

To highten the potency of those medicines , grow your own , or if you can”t . “ PRAY “ ( thanks and praises ) over them .

I just found out ; fellowshipping in Rootwomin”s yard ,to put a collard leaf with your money for prosperity . I always heard “ Cabbage was associated with money . I use both plants for prosperity .

If we reason along those lines . Food as medicine ,and growing our own food . They say you are what you eat . We can reflect the things and energy of “ MOTHER “.

I am just doing this thought on “ COLLARDS “.

Papa Gede Nibo Bey “ LA Kwa “

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